Breathe Deep logo - This was the logo design for a stop smoking programming for employees. It was to appear on subsequent collateral. This was much more subtle than what I usually design but the client was pleased with the turnout.
Bald For Brains - My friend needed a logo for non-profit organization raising money for the continuing treatment of brain injuries at the Brain Trauma Rehabilitation Department of Cleveland's Metro Health Hospital. Her first activity is to cut off all of her hair.
Auguste Moone Publishing logo - A friend that writes under this pseudonym asked for a brand for his line of self-published books. The logo came from an image locked in my head that I saw on a science documentary about space travel. Proof that inspiration comes from anywhere, anytime.
Neighborhood Leadership Environmental Health brand - I was asked to develop a brand i.d. for an organization that identifies environmental and health issues in inner-city Cleveland. The main thrust is they in turn develop and empower grass-root leadership from local community leaders and residents. The 70's black power black fist seemed like a logical place to start while adding an "green" twist.
Exact Roofing Company - How do you make roofing sexy and contemporary? This was the challenge for this logo. I simplified shapes and drew the color inspiration from the actual clay and copper roofing materials and for the identity.
Exact Roofing Company - How do you make roofing sexy and contemporary? This was the challenge for this logo. I simplified shapes and drew the color inspiration from the actual clay and copper roofing materials and for the identity. This is design the client chose.
Kinky Curly Straight hair salon logo - This came to me in my sleep. The client wanted some modern and not over done.
Clarence D. Meriweather
CRE8T1V Cleveland Heights, OH