Proposed Blog and Webcast
Breathe Deep poster 1 - These posters were to accompany a logo design along with subsequent stop smoking programming for employees. I wanted the posters to be in your face while simultaneously remaining subtle. I try to share some of my humor as an underlying layer in the design whenever possible. I would've like to have seen both posters in print.
Breathe Deep poster 2 - This poster always makes me laugh. I never smoked but I have smelled his breath. I would've like to have seen both posters in print.
Breathe Deep logo - ideas 8a - 8b - I was pretty literal in my thinking in this one where my client wanted subtlety. I really wanted this to work because I thought color and the breath dots, or lack thereof, would tell the story.
Cleveland School of the Arts Alumni Association departments - I thought it would be cool to do a logo for each department by only changing the A. It was fun to try and find letterforms that I thought represented each departments' energy and uniqueness. While I was very pleased with the results the Alumni Association exec board voted to go with one logo. Oh well.
Clarence D. Meriweather
CRE8T1V Cleveland Heights, OH