Book cover - This is an adaption of a design used for another book in the genre, Cleveland Food Memories. I wanted to maintain a similar, "family" look to the design already established by another designer.
Magazine cover - This was my first cover at Advanstar. Prior to this the covers were fairly academic. My charge was to give it a more of modern, consumer feel without alienating our base readership.
Magazine cover and feature opening spread - This was fun. Wanted to play with type and color while invoking a retro look and feel.
Magazine cover and feature opening spread - I worked with an excellent medical illustrator named Alex Baker of dna illustrations. We decided that given the subject matter, attacking cells that cause anemia and other health issues, that it would be cool to have the cells attacking on the page rather than a static cell pic. Alex friggin rocks.
Art Direction
Clarence D. Meriweather
CRE8T1V Cleveland Heights, OH