Sledgehammer Painting developed as a response to other contemporary forms of painting such as drip, splatter, or splash painting. Chris' approach illustrates a stark contrast in blunt force and physics which separates this genre from the rest. Slam Painting represents the maximum force and velocity a paintbrush can make, a clumsy warp speed collision which creates a small supernova or perhaps a Big Bang; a miracle captured in time and recorded with paint; forever on canvas. This has become his muse, and spiraled into a full time obsession; being able to record the perfect mark consistently every time and at any time, looking for true art.
Chris can sense moments in time when everything becomes ready to grab and swing; being in the moment feels like catching rung after rung on a trapeze and knowing they will be there.
It becomes a moment in time, a singularity; frozen forever.
The Biggest Bang

Explosion Painting | One Hit with a Sledgehammer The Big Bang Recorded in Paint

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Chris Crewe
Artist / Art Director Toronto, ON