Logo design
Brochure design with promotional button
Website home page. Created information architecture and user interface design for the ELL-U website. Won the 2011 WebAward Education Standard of Excellence for outstanding achievement in web development (www.ell-u.org. Site taken down after contract end in 2013).
Web graphic - carousel banner image
Web graphic - carousel banner image
Web graphic - carousel banner image
Interactive map web graphic designed to be a visual site navigational aid for users
mockup for rollover state
Icons/web graphic variations
interior page design
Printed fact sheet for dissemination at conferences and training events
ELL-U - Branding / Web / Print

Logo, graphic design of website and collateral materials for 3-year professional development initiative English Language Learner University, funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

Christine Charboneau
Art Director, Kratos Learning Washington, DC