This website was developed using HTML and CSS with NotePad. Home Owners are able to hover over some of the links and a drop down menu appears with additional selections. This was created for Lighthouse Sound Property Owners Association. This site is not currently live as it was a temporary site for them. I am currently developing another site for them which can be located at
The Fresh Cafe is another site in which HTML and CSS was used to develop this site. This was created for an Intro to HTML and CSS class in the summer 2015 at University of Maryland University College.
River Run Home Owners Association website was developed in 2011 using Word Press. HTML code is utilized when sending out newsletters out to the community. Some parts of the site is password protected so that only community members can access private information such as the community directory and association documents. The usernames and passwords are controlled in the back end of the site by the site administrator which is myself. As new members enter or leave the community this is adjusted and the community directory is updated. The site hosts two different calendars, one for golf events and one for community events. The site is always being updated and new material is uploaded. the site website is
The contact us for on the River Run home Owners Association website is a plugin by gravity forms. Homeowners are able to select one of the different Home Owners Association committees to contact. Each different Inquiry type is connected to different email addresses in the back end. This is to ensure that the correct person is contacted when a form is submitted. I also created a Golf Committee survey which is available on the website. The site is always being updated and new material is uploaded. the site website is

Websites can be created with many different applications. Here you will find websites which I have created using Html and CSS, Word Press, and Adobe Flash.

Catherine Hanssens-Passeri
Instructional Technologist/Designer Princess Anne, MD