Microsoft Word allows the users to create schedules using the table feature. You are able to have as many rows and columns as you like. Even though this schedule fit on a portrait orientation, it could have been made larger to fit landscape. This orientation was chosen in order to fit two to a page. The table feature allow you to choose a color and thickness for your borders. Borders do not have to be applied everywhere. The shading feature in word also allows you to have alternate colors. You may want to select colors and borders from many different themes and color schemes available in Word. This was created in 2013 for Peninsula Pilates.
The Mail Merge feature in Microsoft Word allows you to create mailing labels in a matter of a few button clicks. You can do a sheet with all the same name and addresses or a sheet with different names and addresses. For this feature Microsoft Word allows you to create a new list or import a list from another source such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access. You can also import a list from your Microsoft Outlook address book. I use Microsoft Excel quite a bit for both personal and business use. This particular mail merge document was created for my own personal use to send holiday cards from the USA to other countries. This was created in March of 2013 however, updated in June 2015. For the purpose of this portfolio factitious addresses were listed.
While creating this documentation it is very easy to utilize the insert a screen snip feature in Microsoft word. This allows you to insert a portion of a screen rather than the entire screen. Knowing how to use this feature is a must when documenting step by step procedures in a workplace. This procedure was created in May 2012 and updated in July 2015.
Microsoft Word makes it easy to create documentation for teaching someone how to perform a specific task. This procedure was written for an instructor who is not as familiar with Blackboard as I am. Some of the instructors are not always on campus. It is important to be able to send them an electronic document to show them step by step how to make a change. This document was created in 2013 to assist a colleague.
Student's are often needing create a PowerPoint Presentation for different classes. One of the requirements is to link a video to an image. Microsoft word was used to create this document in 2012 for a handout to give to students and also to post in an online class.
When creating documents, the shape tool makes it very easy to emphasize an area you wish to bring to someones attention. Like this red circle you are also able to create them to stand out on their own and also they can have a solid fill rather than a clear fill like this. There are many different shapes in word including arrows and call-outs. This document was created in 2011 so that student's could easily create their own MP3 files from a text book or a handout.
Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a word processing program which has been around for years. I've been using it since it first came out on Windows. Word can be used to create many different types of documents such as writing procedures, letters, mailing labels, flyers and envelopes, just to name a few.

Catherine Hanssens-Passeri
Instructional Technologist/Designer Princess Anne, MD