Microsoft Excel - Create a work schedule and color code your employees. As you type their name in the schedule their name is automatically color coded with their designated color. On the right you set up a legend which specifies the different colors for the different staff members, This is achieved with several rules in conditional formatting. To the right of the color coding is a column which tallies how many shifts the employees receive. I created this schedule in the spring of 2014 at the Golf Pro shop where I work.
Use Microsoft Excel to calculate the winners of a golf tournament. Create your formulas according to how you would like the handicap calculated, Once you enter the scores the totals are automatically calculated. This was created back in 2012 for a golf tournament.
You can use Microsoft Excel for all your payroll needs.With formulas in Excel you can have the weekly salary, over time, any bonuses, both state and federal taxes and calculate the total amount for each works pay. This was created during a Payroll class taken at Wor-Wic Community college in the Spring of 2014.
Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel - This spreadsheet program can be used in many different environments. For businesses it can be used for some financial calculations such as Employee expense reports, exporting reports from a golf shop operations then converting your report to a table. Use it for employee schedules, calculating payroll, calculating winners of a golf tournament and many other features.

Catherine Hanssens-Passeri
Instructional Technologist/Designer Princess Anne, MD