Photoshop is great for designing your own Christmas or holiday cards.This card was created with some of the basic shapes available in Adobe Photoshop. This image was created for a intro to Photoshop class, CMST 325 at University of Maryland University College in the fall of 2014
Create your own image to tell a story by importing items from other images and adding your own text. Adobe Photoshop is great for combining images to create one image then you can add some text. Most of the sea creatures in this image came from other files. They were copied and manipulated so that they look like they were in the original image. This image was created for a intro to Photoshop class, CMST 325 at University of Maryland University College in the Fall of 2014.
Adobe Photoshop is fantastic for combining two or three images to create one image. In Photoshop you can place different images onto different layers. You the can erase different parts of an image and move them around to place them in the correct location like the cat in this image. By duplicating layers and placing them in the correct order you can turn several images into one combined image. This image was created for a intro to Photoshop class, CMST 325 at University of Maryland University College in the Fall of 2014
Adobe Photoshop is great for modifying photographs. You can change a color portrait picture to black and white or you can apply different effects such as this pencil sketch. This pencil sketch was created for a project during our Photoshop class, CMST 325 at University of Maryland University College during the fall semester of 2014.
Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop can be used for many different aspects of photo editing. You can turn a color photo into black and white or a pencil sketch. You can easily create an image of your own with some of the drawing tools. What I feel Photoshop is best for is combining photographs. Take a look in my portfolio at some of the work I created in Photoshop.

Catherine Hanssens-Passeri
Instructional Technologist/Designer Princess Anne, MD