A telemetry device is a small, wearable apparatus that records a continuous ECG, usually for 24 to 48 hours. Among other things, an ECG can be used to measure the rate and rhythm of heartbeats, the size, and position of the heart chambers, the presence of any damage to the heart’s muscle cells or conduction system, the effects of cardiac drugs, and the function of implanted pacemakers
Finding problems
Design Constraints
When working on a project, doing an analysis of the current systems and drawing quick concepts when an idea is formed quickly allows you to understand how the form should work and the problems each idea can solve.
Quick 3-D forms give insight into how it feels in one's hand and how other components would fit.
Once an idea is formed, you can continue to refine the form.
Further modeling to create ergonomic details that CAD can miss.
Sketching over the form to find the correct curves needed for 3-D
This device was to be equipped with a touch screen instead of several buttons on the device that could be a dirt catch. The UI needed to be simple and quick to use.
Separation Anxiety The reason for separating the battery from the main device is two fold One reason is to provide a more sustainable solution to allow for a device that can make it through its five-year life span. By being able to separate the device from the battery, if the battery dies the device itself doesn’t have to be replaced. The second reason for the separation has to do with the patient and practitioner usability, begin able to get proper and consistent readouts of data transmission. With a small standby in the main device if the battery dies or needs to be changed the readout will not provide a false readout.
This device although unique for something you would find in a hospital. It provides a simple solution to some basic problems while using other standard and approved pieces.
Telemetry Device

Along with clumsy interfaces and weak battery strength. Telemetry devices are bulky, uncomfortable, and inconvenient both for the patient and the practitioner.

This device although unique for something you would find in a hospital. It provides a simple solution to some basic problems while using other standard and approved pieces.

Casey Maul
Industrial Designer Milwaukee, WI