Details from one of the three variations.
Details from one of the three variations.
An earlier iteration of the mockups.
More early mock-ups.
Different early mockups for the starting screen.
Early wireframes of key screens.
Wireframes showing the process of identifying peaks on IR graphs.
Wireframes showing the other steps needed to identify a molecule.
Organic Chemistry App

Case worked in the organic chemistry Mastering Spectroscopy app during the early stages of the project. This included creating personas, interviewing end-users, making wireframes and mock-ups, and testing them with end-users. The final look and feel of the app was taken over by the programmer on the project (who was also a designer). Case did make the icons used in the final app.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Case Krawcewicz
Graphic Design / UX / Marketing Strategist / Motion Graphics... Edmonton, Canada