To create this Art2Wear piece I used wire mesh to form the foundation and provide a structure. Then, I took strips of Bristol paper and weaved them throughout the mesh in a random fashion to produce an unruly and untamed look. The design alludes to the speed of time and advancement of one’s lifespan. These concepts are of importance to me because time pertains to all human beings. As one’s life progresses, one’s perception of time seems to speed up because a smaller fraction of one’s life passes each day. For example, at the age of four, one year accounts for a quarter of one’s lifetime, while a year for a twenty-five year old accounts for four percent of one’s lifetime. The speed of life seems to increase as one ages and death approaches. The Art2Wear design reflects one’s current age and state. As life continues to progress, unruly woven strands will grow and develop until they completely encompass the body.