Wine Book Re-design - Book Cover This project required re-designing an existing book. I chose to bring sophistication, clarity, and personality to a generic/cluttered DK wine book.
:: Opening Spread ::
:: Contents ::
:: Chapter Opening ::
:: Chapter 1, Spread ::
:: Chapter 3, Spread ::
:: Special Feature :: - This is a Special Feature addition to the original book! The idea is to include a "Wine Aroma Introductory Kit" at the end of the book. The wine enthusiast will have a tool to practice identifying some of the popular aromas found in wine. They will learn from theory to practice!
:: Concept ::
:: Original Book :: - This is the book I chose to re-design. My concept involved discarding the generic feel of the original book by bringing more personality and elegance to the design. The re-design primarily targets female wine enthusiasts.
Book Re-design
Carolina Medeiros
Carolina Medeiros, Designer Caen, France