Alex Hanazaki Paisagismo Alex Hanazaki Paisagismo from Carolina Guido... ALEX HANAZAKI PAISAGISMO SHOPPING MARKET PLACE DORALICE E NANDO SALEM - These perspectives was done when I worked with landscape architecture in Brazil DORALICE E NANDO SALEM - These perspectives was done when I worked with landscape architecture in Brazil MARCOS FARIAS - These perspectives was done when I worked with landscape architecture in Brazil NICOLINO SPINA - These perspectives was done when I worked with landscape architecture in Brazil NICOLINO SPINA - These perspectives was done when I worked with landscape architecture in Brazil KLABIN SEGAL - These perspectives was done when I worked with landscape architecture in Brazil KLABIN SEGAL MARIA BEATRIZ BAMPA DRAUSIO BARRETO DRAUSIO BARRETO GLAMOURAMA SALA VIP PIZZARIA EXTERNO SALA VIP PIZZARIA INTERNO CHICO E PAULA CHICO E PAULA RUTH PICIOTTO TRAUDI GUIDA ARIELA E SALIM MANSUR ARIELA E SALIM MANSUR GUILHERME DEUCHER gLike ALEX HANAZAKI PAISAGISMO Architecture Share R 7 n Carolina Guido... Arquiteta Urbanista Paisagista São Paulo, Brazil Follow Contact