Hotel Entre Plataneras (Los Llanos de Aridane, Spain)_2013

This project was an individual design that followed a teamwork concerning rustic luxury hotels in the canary island of La Palma, on an area focused on banana trees agriculture, Los Llanos de Aridane. The result of this workshop, "A Cota de Invernadero", was one of the chosen projects exposed and published in "Paisajes Mixtos: Arquitectura + Turismo" (

The hotel's location is sorrounded by trees and green houses, which generate a distinctive landscape the project aims to reproduce through its section (one only level under a wooden covering that reproduces a cloth's pattern) and the conservation of the banana trees which, as the coverage, alternately allow and restrict the pass of views and light, giving the sensation of being in a forest where "inside" and "outside" concepts are never absolute.

Freelance, Full-time
Carmela Cionfrini
Architect Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain