Illustration of my son, 2012
design i did for a MMA fighter who is also a Chemist
This design is inspired by my brother and the Hulk, i always tell him, living with him is like living with the Hulk/
I did these Elmo design's for my son and niece, so they could where original shirt designs to see "Elmo's Super Heroes Live"
A design for a client that wanted a cartoon portrait of himself. #TBlake
A cartoon portrait of a client
Having fun with my favorite basketball team mascot
Dustin Pedroia - Work in progress, Im a BIG! Yankees fan tho
Designed this album cover along with my brothers. 11/12
"It's Brick" A sticker design for my clothing line Yosoyinc. 1/13
The Ultimate Warrior with the "Chief Rocka" design for Yosoyinc. Having some fun making art. 1/13
Designed this for my parents who are 30 yrs into there marriage thanks to God. Had a lot of fun with this one. 2/22/13
Designed this for my clothing line Yosoyinc. def. had a lot of fun with this one. 2/26/13
Designed this for a clothing line named Evensnism, 8/12
Another shirt design for Evensnism, 8/12
One of my top fav shirt designs, again for Evensnism, Gotta show him love, he def. made me a better designer. 9/12
Slimmer!!!!!!! 9/12
Joker!!! 8/12
Streex from Street Sharks
TMNT Faces
Bebop "The Bad Guy"
Baxter Stockman of the TMNT dressed as Marty McFly from Back to The Future
McFly's shoe
Did this design for a friend, Scholar Comaraderie
2012 Illustrations