// LARKIN // CD // Year_2007 - BRIEFING. Create a layout for Larkin's 1st release: "Every Living Day Begs the Question". CONCEPT. The can symbolizes consumption, the trash we are bombarded with. We are ready to receive it because we don't have a choice. We are with tied hands.... The background with a vintage look denounces a reality that goes back a long time: the passivity. The red spot reflects a change of attitude, a revolt and a break with the past!
// LARKIN // CD // Year_2007 - BRIEFING. Create a layout for Larkin's 1st release: "Every Living Day Begs the Question". CONCEPT. - "But we become what we hate most: static, rusty and dead, settled in apathy, , staring as our foundations crumble, unconvinced and cynial, still waiting for another chance to try again" - "still waiting for another chance to try again." -"Inject some blood into this mould" Music is a good remedy for people to wake up, that's why we have the dived head on the CD.
// BOOKLET // Year_2007 - BRIEFING. To create a layout for Larkin's 1st release: "Every Living Day Begs the Question".
// POSTER // Year_2007 - Promote the album's release.
// POSTER // Year_2007 - Promote the album's release.