Cartoons from my schooltime - I have clubbed a few cartoon profiles from my collection. Special thanks to my mom as she saved all my designs/cartoons/illustrations from my school-time because I had thrown all of them in wastbin.
Just before the exams: Ganesha - this was something I did to give away my stress just before my economics paper... actually only God could save me (trying to convince god that I am a true follower) from that economics exam. And I passed that exam
Trying out some colours.. - I feel more comfortable without colours.
Again trying out colors.. this time its pencil colours - The illustration is done in ink and then colors were added in pencil. But I still think it looked better without colours :(
Mr. P.V. Narasimha Rao, former PM of India - Just an illustration in cartoon. Sorry but I had to put up my name on the cartoon in light colour as a few friends tried using this cartoon for their story.
Girish Dhulekar
Certified Usability Analyst (CUA) New Delhi, India