My own design of tank models. Made of DVD plastic covers, Cintra board and paper pins. Painted with Nato green, silver orange and black. With movable turrets.
GLA Marauder Tank
Salvage Truck
1st War Diorama
Scorpion Tank - Shok
Scorpion Tank - Python Tank
Up: Tyrant Tank - Heavy Assault Rail gun Down: Rebel - Zone Trooper
Futuristic Japanese Hovercraft in the making. Made of old toy pieces and Cintra Board
Futuristic Japanese Hovercraft, final product.
NOD Scorpion Tank - Water Truck
UCS Spider I
War Master
Rocket Tank
Ion Cannon Tank
All are made of Cintra board. Changeable turrets is allowed.
Technical It's made from old toy pieces.
Scorpion Tank It's made from old toy pieces.
Rocket Buggy It's made from old toy pieces.
Quad Cannon It's made from old toy pieces.
Viper Stealth Tank It's made from old toy pieces.
Chariot Tank (Merkava) It's made from old toy pieces and Cintra board.
Colonel Burton - Car - Chariot Tank (Merkava) It's made from old toy pieces and Cintra board.
Rebel Squad Made from Cintra Board.
Rebel Squad VS Wave Force Squad
My first vehicle collection I made from scratch. GLA Faction.
Special Hobby - Vehicle Design Mini Models

Most of these models are made of old toy pieces and PVC. They are for my dioramas and toy contests as well.

Vincent Emmanuelle E....
3D Designer | Graphic/ Industrial Designer Manila, Philippines