Workshop Design Competition with Il donna Magazine (Italia) in association with Scuola Politecnica di Design to design a bathroom concept for the future Milanese under 35. For this competition, students were asked to create a character study (Andrea) and his living space. The project design consisted of floor plan and concept design, styling for the photoshoot, mood boards, pop-up artwork and furniture selection. This project was selected by Io Donna Magazine and published in 2009.
Workshop Design Competition with Il donna Magazine (Italia) in association with Scuola Politecnica di Design to design a bathroom concept for the future Milanese under 35. For this competition, students were asked to create a character study (Andrea) and his living space. The project design consisted of floor plan and concept design, styling for the photoshoot, mood boards, pop-up artwork and furniture selection. This project was selected by Io Donna Magazine and published in 2009.
Workshop Design Competition with Il donna Magazine (Italia) in association with Scuola Politecnica di Design to design a bathroom concept for the future Milanese under 35. For this competition, students were asked to create a character study (Andrea) and his living space. The project design consisted of floor plan and concept design, styling for the photoshoot, mood boards, pop-up artwork and furniture selection. This project was selected by Io Donna Magazine and published in 2009.
Workshop Design Competition with Il donna Magazine (Italia) in association with Scuola Politecnica di Design to design a bathroom concept for the future Milanese under 35. For this competition, students were asked to create a character study (Andrea) and his living space. The project design consisted of floor plan and concept design, styling for the photoshoot, mood boards, pop-up artwork and furniture selection. This project was selected by Io Donna Magazine and published in 2009.
Io Donna

Interior - Furniture Styling

Camila Luana Krasilchik...
Environments Designer Munich, Germany