QR code scan to put user at that stop as a starting point
The user then chooses a bus route and direction from that stop before being shown the route
Bus icons move up and down the route in real time to show how long it is until the next bus
More information can be seen by tapping the stop buttons, such as interchange information for the tube
Tapping the stops can also reveal which buses the user can change to at that stop
More routes represented by different colours
Confirm origin bus stop location
Sets the user's current location
View choice of bus routes from that stop
The bus route show real-time moving bus icons along the route of the bus
Find out more information by tapping bus stop buttons
London Bus App

For this uni project I had to design an application to help London commuters with their bus journeys. For this I created an icon that represented a bus, showing a countdown clock until arrival at the stop. There was also a capacity bar for the top deck above this clock and one for the bottom deck below. This icon moved along a straight line representation of the route, that showed a darker opacity where there was more congestion. The user's location is shown as a red button and the stops can be tapped to reveal more information about which routes can also be taken from that stop.

To set the user's starting point the commuter would scan the stop's QR code on the post/shelter, choose a route and direction, and then view the bus icons moving up and down the route in real time before making their decision.

Calum Hale
Graphic Designer London, United Kingdom