The aim of this project was to raise the users awareness of the amount of electricity and resources they use in their daily lives. I chose children as my target audience aiming to make them more aware of where the electricity they use on a daily basis comes from.
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I wanted to make the design totally interactive to keep the children engaged with the product. The first concept started as a jack in the box like structure that would have various mechanisms sticking out from it. These mechanisms would represent the various different natural resources that are used in the product on energy. The aim was to get the children to play with the mechanisms and they would be able to visually see how much energy each mechanism produced in order to learn that some resources produce much more energy that others. The problem with this concept was that it didn't properly represent the scale of energy production. So after some development the design evolved into the box turning into the plant. With each mechanism placed in the country that produces the most of that particular resource.
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The idea behind the concept was to try and show children the amount of effort that goes into the production of electricity, and that power is generated all over the world in so many different ways. My aim was to make children more aware of the amount of energy they use, and the amount of work that goes into providing that energy for them.
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Electrifying Interaction
Callum Russell
Mr Callum Ronald Johnstone Russell Prestwick, United Kingdom