Sutter Home In-store Display - This holiday display incorporated a unique, 3-dimensional ornament that utilized a custom die-cut Sutter Home bottle snowflake design. The display delivered the message “Bring Sutter Home” with contemporary creative to achieve the objective of reaching a new, younger target audience.
Holiday Wishes In-store Set-up
Laura Scudder All-Natural FSI - FSI ads targeted to health-conscious peanut butter consumers.
Laura Scudder All-Natural FSI - FSI ads targeted to health-conscious peanut butter consumers.
Smuckers Smile - Smuckers FSI ads targeted towards mothers making smart choices for their families.
PB & Smile - Smuckers FSI ads targeted towards mothers making smart choices for their families.
Sell Sheet - This ad/sell sheet cover effectively delivered the portability, health and convenience benefits of Reduced Fat Jif To Go for a successful launch.
Bring home the goodness. - Newspaper delivery bag advertisement.
POP & Promotional
Brian Wood –...
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