Cut Bread, Not Fred. - PRODUCT CENTERFOLD: Retro inspired DM Brochure for Hobarts newly acquired line of safety-featured commercial bread slicers. Also, introduced "Fred" who became a gregarious tradeshow spokesman for the brand.

Cut Bread, Not Fred. - INTRO SPREAD: Retro inspired DM Brochure for Hobarts newly acquired line of safety-featured commercial bread slicers. Also, introduced "Fred" who became a gregarious tradeshow spokesman for the brand.

You can be a wise guy, too! - COVER: DM piece designed specifically to appeal to the vanity of IT managers. Featured famous "Wise Guys" through the ages with the final panel utilizing a mirrored surface to include the recipient as part of this group if they used the EnterpriseWise™ system.

You can be a wise guy, too! - INSIDE ROLL-FOLD SPREAD: DM piece designed specifically to appeal to the vanity of IT managers. Featured famous "Wise Guys" through the ages with the final panel utilizing a mirrored surface to include the recipient as part of this group if they used the EnterpriseWise™ system.
