Example of an email to MOVA Customers (B2C) showcasing a new product. Our customer email list has an average open rate of 24% and a click rate of 5%. http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=514e5b938100f896414f58021&id=fa84d90519&e=[UNIQID]
Example of Reseller Newsletter (B2B) that goes out to all our resellers each month. http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=514e5b938100f896414f58021&id=d98768e87d&e=[UNIQID]
Oversaw creation of new 2015 product catalog.
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Developed and edited a sales kit for lead generation at MOVA tradeshows.
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2013 MOVA Catalog. I not only created the catalog but also directed the photo shoot for taking professional product pictures for the first time.
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Created a Product Slick for new MOVA leads.
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Retailer Product Knowledge handout given out to new and current resellers to help them sell MOVA Creations.
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Welcome card (front side) that goes in ever MOVA product box.
Product registration card (back side) that goes in ever MOVA product box.
MOVA International Collateral

A sample of some of the catalogs, handouts, emails, and informational materials (B2B and B2C) I've created during my time at MOVA International.

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Elizabeth Bussett
Director of Marketing San Diego, CA