child + play - kinder garden outdoor play equipment - client city marktheidenfeld (g) project play terraces with 20 specially designed elements. the site as a large scale stage with terraces on 4 levels. the setting invite children to discover relations between objects, space + play activities. no object defines itself - interpretation is left to childs fantasy. simple, interesting forms with character. obvious + efficient constructions. my role design + technical detailing matthias burhenne + robin winogrond 1993 - 1994
child + play - 3d-construction kit in wood - project free construction play in big dimensions. ease to built 3d objects + new approach of playing: the half barrel (200mm dm) as platform for immediate stable 3d constructions, which together with the front part gives identity to the kit. the wedge - an antique fixing method - is less abstract than screws. logic + freedom to explore + create. clear + self explaining, challenging even for adults. infinite possibilities. my role complete development matthias burhenne 1993
child + play - public furniture and play equipment in urban space - kastanienplatz in city of stuttgart - germany. new identity and versatile use for a odd and faceless place of the 70ties. this project is one of the results of a scholarship project on the industrialization of play and furniture elements for urban places. my role ideation and concept consulting design and planning robin winogrond
child + play - hans dampf - turntable for floor use - versatile and modular turntable for the use in gyms end pre-schools or similar. development of muscle coordination, sense of orientation etc. developed for the same disabled child like in the project freddy + thumby. its problem: it just can move crawling on the ground, but hardly change direction. hans dampf allows to do this and has many more play functions. prototype + concept sketches in a later phase of development. matthias burhenne 1999
child + play - freddy and thumby - music+play doll to be placed on stomach + around head. aim: overcome barriers between normal + disabled children. inspired by fate of a paralyzed and almost deaf child of 5 years with scare social contacts. the resonance bodies amplify (physical phenomenon) + transport sound to ears, enhancing passive recognition + activity. doll freddy wants to be a joint to other children: it takes the childs head in its arms, giving it security and attracts - other children to socialize.
child + play - e(arly)motion orchestra - set of play- and music-instruments for children with different handicaps. using natural materials to be found in india. realized during a workshop for childrens reabilitation in NID ahmedabad in india. matthias burhenne 2001
child + play - bike concept for growing capacities, needs and wishes
Solutions for Children
Matthias Burhenne
matthias burhenne, industrial designer Venice, Italy