A sweet little design, the Pearson Ariel is known as a 'plastic classic". She was originally designed in 1961 by Carl Alberg and splashed in 1963.
Early interior layout.
Still under construction!
In addition to the interior redesign, Triumph is also being 'repowered' with an electric drive. The components are off the shelf, but the motor mount and cradle is another of my design and fabrication.
The galley sink is almost complete, just waiting for final fiberglassing. Whew, this also represents the last of the major cabinet construction.
Pearson, Ariel - (re)design and (re)power

As I helped my mother rehab from an SAH stroke I also spent the year redesigning and rebuilding the interior of my Pearson Ariel. What started as a way for me to keep busy and sane became a thorough exploration of marine design and construction. Though still not complete, the reconstruction of my boat, and my mother, has been another experience showing me that a fulfilling life has nothing with a paycheck.

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Matt Buchter
designer & fabricator Philadelphia, PA