Personas developed for the project that were presented in class.
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The first iteration was not received well by my professor. I had to rework the wireframe so there would be a workable product to prototype in the next assignment.
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Here is the second iteration which was closer to a prototype stage but still needed work. I found ways to make the scrollability easier to read but there was still progress to be made.
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Here is the third and final iteration that was ready for prototyping. This was a more polished product after many hours of thinking and learning about wireframes.
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Final paper on prototyping that encompassed all my research for the project.
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Gym Trainer Website Creation

I was tasked with creating a site for a fictitious trainer to add more business to his Mid-day schedule.
My idea was simple, go through each of the normal procedures that a User Experience professional would use to make a high-fidelity prototype and find my challenges along the way.
From Personas, to wireframing and the final prototype, this project was all-inclusively my own work. I learned so much about the field during this project and it made me decide that applying to the Graduate program would be a reality for me!
Please click on the link below to see a final wireframe of the project
The website link below takes you to the Axure final prototype to interact with.

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Brett A. Spitzer
Master's of Applied Science-MAS Human Factors and Usability Testing Savannah, MO