Duracell Optimum

As part of an RFP I worked on an extensive round of concepting for Duracell. The charge was to find new ground for the brand as competition had replicated their look. I looked at the challenges of the category [busy, unfriendly materials to open, storage issues once open, not eco-friendly] and came up with a range of concepts that used new structure shapes and materials. In the end, the project was transferred internally to Duracell. 2 years later Duracell Optimum was launched using 2 distinct parts of the concept work I did. The trapezoid shaped box that eliminated the unfriendly injection mold plastic clamshell, and the inner-tray with a resealable cellophane for storage convenience. I couldn't be happier to see my work taken to market. In the midst of the original project most of our observations and the overall presentation were directly influenced by my work and the talking points I provided along with 90% of the concepting.

Bryan Mann-Entzel
Creative Director, Designer and Strategist Minneapolis, MN