RATM Poster 1 - Rock against the machine was an event held last summer at Grant Park in Chicago, Illinois. It was a collaboration of bands from around the country (mostly of the punk genre). The purpose was to raise awareness of the situation in Iraq, and to urge the decision to bring our friends and family home after risking their lives to serve our country. There was little to no budget for this event as it was put together by concerned citizens and not-for-profit organizations.
RATM Poster 2 - There was little to no budget for this event as it was put together by concerned citizens and not-for-profit organizations. The idea was to make a visually intriguing and engaging poster within the budget. Since hi-res photos and multiple colors were out of the question, type was used in order to capture the viewer’s attention. There were two different design options to choose from. The first one used all text and the second one used a basic put impactful image.
RATM Posters
Bryan Heredia
Graphic Design Naperville, IL