Camcorder Ideation Sketches - Stream of consciousness, back of napkin type sketching. During initial exploratory phases of a design project these types of quick sketches help get the "creative juices flowing" during or as a result of a brainstorming session with other team members; designers, engineers, sales and marketing personnel, etc. Fine felt tip black and wide felt tip light grey markers are used to quickly generate rough 3D look and feel.
Refined Camcorder Ideation Sketch - After initial exploratory brainstorm, research and sketch phases, ideas are prioritized and best ones are quickly developed further into product concept sketches like the one pictured here for initial feedback from project team stakeholders. Fine felt tip black and several wide felt tip colored markers are used to communicate basic principles of the product function, look & feel.
One Handed PDA Appearance Rendering - After several rounds of sketching and idea refinement including design and component layout studies, appearance renderings like that pictured here are created in full size for final evaluation before design specifications drawings are developed in CAD for 3D appearance models and engineering review. This rendering developed using CAD underlays, Illustrator and Photoshop.
One Handed PDA Appearance Rendering - After several rounds of sketching and idea refinement including design and component layout studies, appearance renderings like that pictured here are created in full size for final evaluation before design specifications drawings are developed in CAD for 3D appearance models and engineering review. This rendering developed using CAD underlays, Illustrator and Photoshop.
Pager Based PDA Ideation Sketch - After research and sketch phases, ideas are prioritized and best ones are quickly developed further into product concept sketches like the one pictured here for initial feedback from project team stakeholders. Fine felt tip black and several wide felt tip colored markers are used to communicate basic principles of the product function, look & feel.
Music Based PDA Ideation Sketch - After research and sketch phases, ideas are prioritized and best ones are quickly developed further into product concept sketches like the one pictured here for initial feedback from project team stakeholders. Fine felt tip black and several wide felt tip colored markers are used to communicate basic principles of the product function, look & feel.
Handheld Computer Appearance Rendering - After several rounds of sketching and idea refinement including design and component layout studies, appearance renderings like that pictured here are created in full size for final evaluation before design specification drawings are developed in CAD for 3D appearance models and engineering review. This rendering developed using CAD underlays, Illustrator and Photoshop.
Handheld Computer Appearance Rendering - After several rounds of sketching and idea refinement including design and component layout studies, appearance renderings like that pictured here are created in full size for final evaluation before design specification drawings are developed in CAD for 3D appearance models and engineering review. This rendering developed using CAD underlays, Illustrator and Photoshop.
Handheld Computer Appearance Rendering - After several rounds of sketching and idea refinement including design and component layout studies, appearance renderings like that pictured here are created in full size for final evaluation before design specification drawings are developed in CAD for 3D appearance models and engineering review. This rendering developed using CAD underlays, Illustrator and Photoshop.
Sketching & Visualization
Bruce Goldstein
North Caldwell, NJ