Graphic Samples Graphic Samples from Bruce Logan Graphic Samples Corporate Life CC_branding personal expression-sex sales personal expression-sex sales 2 personal expression-sex sales 3 Corporate Promo Crank Shaft Promo: Cover Crank Shaft Promo: Inside Crank Shaft Promo: Back Cover TheKeepers TheKeepers_Larry TheKeepers_"Gorge" The Keepers_2 Cruise-In Promo Orgnsm Concepts Gyration's lounge Menu Promo Flyer for Musician Dank Stevens Concert Promo CJ - Promo Graphic Apparel - Freelance From the ground up poster promotion Graphic Apparel - Freelance Graphic Apparel - Freelance Graphic Apparel - Freelance process and sketching (The Pus) SPNBKS Back Graphic SPNBKS Front Logo SPNBKS Inside Tag CJ - Promo 2 Promo mock up textural concepts for client Bar Advert. Personal Exploration For a friend! Enough said! Graphic Apparel - Freelance Promo Poster Shield Cnpt for posters gLike Graphic Samples Industrial Design Share R 7 n Bruce Logan Product / Graphic Designer vancouver, BC Follow Contact