Poster Design highlighting Barbara Ann Posey's article on her reasons for sitting-in early in the Civil Rights Era.
"Why I Sit In" Book and Poster Cover - The article, written by Barbara Ann Posey, set in motion the modern civil rights movement in America by underlining the value for the first sit-ins during the period.
Why I Sit In Poster & Brochure Design - Brochure and Poster Design, commissioned by the NAACP, to commemorate the anniversary of the first sit-in of the Modern Civil Rights Movement.
Why I Sit In Poster & Brochure Design - Brochure and Poster Design, commissioned by the NAACP, to commemorate the anniversary of the first sit-in of the Modern Civil Rights Movement.
Why I Sit In Posters
Brownhornetdesign Studio
brownhornetdesign studio Baltimore, MD