Portfolio - It is a screen shot of the Introduction animation of my portfolo. This animation is created in 3D studio max.
3D Virtual Museum - It is a screenshot of the 3D Virtual Interactive Museum of Lothal. It is 3D interactive product, Which contains Walk through of 3D Museum, Information about Lothal and Pictures of the site, and the 3D Township of Lothal.
e campaign Havmor - This is a snapshot of the e campaign of the Havmor Icecreams. The whole project was to develope e-marketing & e-mail marketing for the Havmor icecreams.
Cover Page of CD - This is an academic project. As a group of five students,we reached on the field,to study, Document and reserch the various crafts of Orissa-INDIA.
Protfolio Compilation - This is a scerrn-shot of Portfolio-Illustration Page, This exercise of an academic importance served as a test-by-fire of all our design and information technology skills.