VCM - Voltage Controlled Mixer
The VC Mixer consists of 4 channels.
Each channel has an associated gain control and control voltage input. There are two outputs; Normal and inverted. The control inputs respond to a 0-5V control voltage input. The Level control attenuates the channel level. The control inputs are cascaded. 5V is applied internally to the Control input for the channels and cascaded from channel 1 to channel 4. This allows the module to be used as a 4-channel mixer with no control voltage input to the Control in jacks. When a Control input is plugged into a channel Control in jack, it interrupts the 5V from that channel through channel 4 allowing the gain for that channel, and all subsequent channels to be controlled by the new control voltage. New control voltages applied to the subsequent channels will interrupt the preceding channel control voltage for that channel and be applied to the remaining channels.
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