I had bathed this board in liquid tin, but there's no need to prevent copper oxidation on the pcb traces, because I always prefer to solder over the traces anyway. By giving the entire bottom of the pcb a good coating of solder flux (and letting it dry thoroughly) the solder flows like a lazy river. I even solder over the traces to ensure that there is a conductive path to every node. This is likely a common practice. I first noticed it upon inspection of few Mattson Modular pcb's that I own.
There is no top silk screen to the pcb for components placement and so on. I've started by first soldering in the dip sockets, so as to provide a point of reference. Most of the components I have on hand in the shop, so I'm anticipating a quick build.
Moving right along. Almost there.
Had to order 4 x non-polarized 47uf caps. I definitely didn't have those on hand. A real Frankenstein of components seen here. Especially those IC sockets. Not very pretty, but it will work just fine. I use what ever I have on hand.
The non-polarized 47uf caps have arrived. All ready for pots, jacks and a custom panel.
Device under test. The first CV pan meets expectation. I still need to finish wiring the rest of the pots.