Mattel Synsonics Drums - CV Mod
Synsonics is a really fun, old school analog drum machine. I picked mine up off of ebay for 50 bucks. That's a lot of analog drum for 50 bucks.
Mod Includes:
* 1/16th rate clock sync output jack.
* HH trigger input jack.
* Tom 1 trigger input jack.
* Tom 2 input trigger jack.
* SD input trigger jack.
* HH audio output jack
* BD audio output jack
* SN audio output jack
* Tom 1 audio output jack
* I have also replaced a capacitor from 1uf to 10 uf, which the manual suggested would reduce the infamous power hum noise of this module.
* The pot for changing the pitch of the Tom sound was completely shot, so I replaced it.
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