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Using the pcb, I sourced all the parts on and soldered everything together. The unit makes a nice utility envelope for creating basic attack and release envelopes. This unit works great for drums or for controlling VCA's. It's a lot of bang for the buck and comes in handy if my other envelopes are already patched.
I have wiped away all the paint marker. Now I'm ready to use the label maker to snazzy up the module a bit.
The labeling for this one came out very nice! I printed one piece of tape for each row. Keeps the text very straight.
EG - Voltage Controlled Envelope Gate Module

Quad envelope generator with a few nifty (optional) features mixed in. It will provide 4 attack/release envelopes in a fairly compact panel space.


Basic Version
- Four very simple quad attack/release envelopes (0V to approximately 1V less than the supply voltage)
- Four gate inputs, four envelope outs
- Economical and compact design reduces component count and therefore build cost
- Made from commonly available components

Complex Version (adds these features)
- Inverted versions of EG1 and EG3
- Mixed versions of EG1+2 and EG 3+4
- Mix selection switches to select between inverted and non-inverted versions of EG3 and EG1 for mixing
- Mix level controls for EG1 and EG3 levels into the mixed outputs

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Brian Tuley
Electronic Engineer Brentwood, CA