Hexinverter.com PCB has arrived. Now it's time to solder!
After sourcing all the components and soldering them to the PCB, I have wired up all the pots and jacks and mounted the board to the face plate using 4 brass standoffs.
I have labeled the panel using a fine tip paint marker. It's not perfect, but it will do for now.
Here I have wiped away the paint marker and I'm ready to use a label maker to print some better looking text. A trip to Home Depot's paint section led me to a product called "Goof Off", which works even better than lighter fluid for removing the paint marker while leaving the black coat completely intact.
CMOS Noise - Module

The Liquid High Hat is a CMOS based voltage controlled noise module. It is capable of producing high-hat sounds, but is also usable for other noise generation via control voltage. It is designed to run on 9, 12, or 15 volt supply,

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Brian Tuley
Electronic Engineer Brentwood, CA