Starsky & Hutch - Design and illustration
Mooseport - Design and illustration
Sideways - Design and illustration
Thirst and 10 - Design and illustration
Jewel - Design and illustration
Mean Girls - Design and illustration
iRobot - Design and illustration
The Incredibles - Design and photo manipulation. I combined the two images.
Along Came Polly
2004 Preview - Design and illustration
Treasure Chase - Design and illustration
Spanglish - Design and illustration
Miracle - Design and illustration
Troy Story - Design and illustration
Monster on the Couch - Design and illustration
Terminal - Design and illustration
All is Bright - Design and illustration
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Shamrock The Night Away - Design and illustration.
Super Men
Firewall - Design and illustration.
The Dukes of Hazzard - Design and illustration.
California State Fair - Design and illustration.
Plantation Lounge - Design and illustration.
Knock, Knock! - Design and headline writing.
Con Game - Design and photo illustration.
Hitch - Design
Spy vs. Spy - Design and headline.
Star Wars Through the Years
Hollywood Heavyweight - Design
Charlie Pops - Design and illustration.
The 40 Year-Old Virgin - Design and illustration.
The Dark Knight: Deuces Wild - Design and illustration.
Freelance, Full-time
Brian Scott Ching
Art Director and Senior Creative Brand Designer Sacramento, CA