Tambour Chair - My patented Tambour Chair won 1st place at the AWFS national furniture design competition. Afterward, it was featured on the core77 website for the month of August. See http://www.core77.com/news/bullitt_08.03.asp It was also published in Fine Woodworking magazine, Fresh Wood, Kent magazine, Wookworking Annual, and many more.
Inspired by the tambour system of a roll-top desk, the most unique aspect of the Tambour Chair is that it rolls up. Roll it up for storage, for show, or for use as an end table (underneath a flat piece of glass).
The Tambour Chair's construction consists of a solid white maple frame, walnut slats, aluminum keys and hardware, and high-strength strapping. Although the initial construction of the Tambour Chair was rather time consuming, the design is fairly simple--with simple materials, and could be manufactured quite efficiently.
With plans on the drawing board for versions made from lightweight composites, it is likely that the Tambour Chair could weigh 1/10 as much as the model shown, with a rolled size of 1/3 the diameter... perfect for use as a portable beach or camping chair.

Tambour Chair - Detailed image.