Hybridcenter.org Ad 2 - Tagline: Happily Ever After
Hybridcenter.org Ad 3 - Tagline: Happily Ever After
Life With Education Ad 1 - Tag Line: Have Some Class www.myspace.com/lifewithedu Ad campaign targeted towards students who are just skating by or on the verge of dropping out of high school.
Life With Education Ad 2 - Tag Line: Have Some Class www.myspace.com/lifewithedu Ad campaign targeted towards students who are just skating by or on the verge of dropping out of high school.
Life With Education Ad 3 - Tag Line: Have Some Class www.myspace.com/lifewithedu Ad campaign targeted towards students who are just skating by or on the verge of dropping out of high school.
Brian Saldivar
Senior Graphic Designer at Paolucci Communication Arts Long Beach, CA