Old Parkland microsite 1 — web page developed with original content to announce the renovation and pending move of Crow Holdings' headquarters to a historical Dallas site.
Old Parkland microsite 2 — web page developed with original content to announce the renovation and pending move of Crow Holdings' headquarters to a historical Dallas site.
Stallcup Group home page — website content developed for startup client branding their company as a resource that provides exit strategies to independent pawnshop owners.
Stallcup Group company profile page — website content developed for startup client branding their company as a resource that provides exit strategies to independent pawnshop owners.
Barrier Advisors home page — website content developed for established financial services group as part of a redesign of their corporate site.
Barrier Advisors company profile page — website content developed for established financial services group as part of a redesign of their corporate site.
Barrier Advisors client page — website content developed for established financial services group as part of a redesign of their corporate site.
American Airlines joint business news release 1 — website content created for AA.com news announcement on American Airlines' joint business agreements with British Airways, Iberia, Japan Airlines and Qantas Airlines.
American Airlines joint business news release 2 — website content created for AA.com news announcement on American Airlines' joint business agreement with Qantas Airlines.
Web Content
Brian Keagy
Copywriter/Editor Dallas, TX