Concept for display cases that wrap around existing structural columns in a student study area. - Constrained by space limitations, I developed this display concept, which integrates existing structural columns into the design, thereby reducing the footprint and creating new surfaces for graphic material. The glass case is able to hang with support from the column, creating a presentation that draws visitors to the objects on display inside.
Concept for an aerial graphic feature in an engineering lobby. - This three-story high aerial art concept makes a statement as people enter the engineering building. Large graphic banners suspended above will use strong graphics to communicate the brand and the department’s mission, ‘shaping the future’ (graphics not yet shown). The segments lining the wall are intended to be seen as part of the larger hanging sculpture, but also serve to direct visitors to exhibits below.
Concept for a flexible display case with integrated graphics and media. - This display unit concept showcases student work and research projects in a highly visual and interactive format to better inform visitors of exciting advancements in the engineering department. The system uses large graphics and integrated media screens to provide clear, attractive content describing each project. Video demonstrations show the technology in action and connect visitors to the people behind the innovations.
Kenyan Aloe Market - A development sketch detailing the exhibit.
Kenyan Aloe Market - Inspired by the markets of Africa, these aloe stands invite visitors to discover how aloe vera is farmed and processed into an array of products sold in the Laikipia region of Kenya. The open-faced design improves visitor flow and directs attention to the featured back wall.
Lion Guardian Interactive - Expert trackers, lion guardians use their skills to protect and monitor lions in Africa. In this interactive, visitors are invited to search for a lion by reading animal tracks and other clues in the environment with help from a lion guardian. The participants interact with an on-screen guardian by stepping on the animal tracks that correspond with his lesson.
Prototyping a Gazelle Exhibit - A full-scale mock-up of a gazelle exhibit, depicting a field researcher’s study of gazelle migration (below). The exercise provided important insights that led to a more dimensional, structured exhibit (right). Images from the trial quickly became a useful reference for other members of the design team developing similar exhibits.
CGI Model - This CGI model was built in Vectorworks from the architect's floor plan, shown below. It provided a means of quickly developing design alternatives and presentation material to meet a tight timeline. I placed the graphic designer's concepts in the model to ensure the gallery could be 'seen' at any point in the rapid development cycle.
Pavilion Thematic Area Sketch
Test Models
Wall-mounted exhibit concept - This proposed feature wall for the design building at Carleton University showcases inspiring graduate-level work in an effort to instill pride within the department and promote the quality of the program to prospective students and visitors to the school of Industrial Design.
Wall-mounted exhibit concept - The Rail system sections and graphic panels can be easily rearranged and updated to achieve the desired layout. The graphics are mounted in the slots between wall sections, as shown in the diagram.
Exhibit Design
Brian Bazett
Brian Bazett, B.I.D. London, ON