How does social media impact public health? This article examines that subject through the lens of a meningitis outbreak in New York City.
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This feature article for Positively Aware explores how technology is changing the patient-doctor relationship. From eHealth to apps and more, the way we approach healthcare is changing. For better? Or for worse?
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This is small review article that I wrote for the Positively Aware "Breakthroughs" issue (Jan/Feb 2013). Please note - my byline is displayed on the previous page (which is not included in this PDF), since this piece is embedded within "Take Two Apps...". The review is contained within the light blue section.
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Healthcare writing

My specialty is presenting easily understood information about healthcare and medicine aimed at a lay audience.

I write often about HIV & AIDS because of my personal commitment to countering the stigma that still exists for this disease.

Each article has been thoroughly researched and has information from experts in the field to keep the audience engaged and learning.

Bran LeFae
Writer | Photographer | Written & Visual Communications Specialist Seattle, WA