Prime Live Media, LLC. - (Before) Brand Identity Development.
- Goals Achieved Through Branding:
- Brand identities developed helped elevate Prime Live Media as a resource worthy of investment from the desired social networking on-line target audience.
- Prime Live Media was acquired in 2010.

Prime Live Media, LLC. - Primary Brand Mark & Positioning Statement.

Prime Live Media, LLC. - Corporate Informational Website.

Prime Live Media, LLC. - Application/Company Presentation Booklet.
Booklet/Brochure could be customized for specific presentations. Booklet/Brochure was utilized to showcase the company and its applications to potential investors.

Prime Live Media, LLC. (Patriots' Union Brand) - Primary Brand Mark & Positioning Statement.

Prime Live Media, LLC. (Patriots' Union Brand) - Website, Facebook Application, Smart Phone Application.
Consumer informational website showcasing Facebook application.
On-line application in the Facebook environment.
Smart phone application development from Facebook application.

Prime Live Media, LLC. (King Of New York Brand) - Primary Brand Mark

Prime Live Media, LLC. (King Of New York Brand) - Facebook Application, Smart Phone Application.
On-line application in the Facebook environment.
Smart phone application development from Facebook application.

Prime Live Media, LLC. (Rants & Raves Brand) - Primary Brand Mark

Prime Live Media, LLC. (Rants & Raves Brand) - Facebook Application, Smart Phone Application.
On-line application in the Facebook environment.
Smart phone application development from Facebook application.

Prime Live Media, LLC. (Try This Brand) - Primary Brand Mark & Positioning Statement.

Prime Live Media, LLC. (Try This Brand) - Facebook Application.
On-line application in the Facebook environment.