Jean Grey commission - And incomplete background but with a successful character painting.
Keep Me Down
Stars and Space
Self portrait beginning - Representational of sorrow vs. happiness.
Me vs. Wolverine
one night with a goddess - A 14x17 sketch with graphite pencil, I scanned in the image and painted right over top the pencil.
Joker vs Superman - First penciled with HB, 2B, and 4B graphite pencil. Inked using sharpe and micron pens. Finally, digitally painted in Photoshop, each color on a different layer.
Breaking apart - Photo manipulated in Photoshop. 3D elements and textures rendered from 3D Studio Max.
Happy Halloween 2008 - Illustrated with an HB pencil and scanned into the computer. A simple digital painting with cell shading using Photoshop. Project time: 2 hours.
Dark side of the Moon - Sketched with HB pencil, and painted in Photoshop. This was done to commemorate one year with my company.
Digital Paintings
Bradford Davis
Illustrator & 3D Artist Freeland, MD