A concept computer system that sheds the traditional sheet-metal panels and circuit boards to become lightweight and inexpensive enough be included as a standard utility in office buildings. This provides building occupants with computer processing power as a basic utility service similar to electricity, water, and phone service. This concept won an honorable mention in the ID magazine annual design review.
A concept computer system that sheds the traditional sheet-metal panels and circuit boards to become lightweight and inexpensive enough be included as a standard utility in office buildings. This provides building occupants with computer processing power as a basic utility service similar to electricity, water, and phone service.
To demonstrate the concept, our team designed a mechanism that allowed the concept model to retract up into the ceiling by remote control. This is a video snapshot of the product in use.
Compaq E2C2 Computer Server

Compaq E2C2 Computer Server

Brian Perry
Senior Industrial Designer, Mechanical Engineer San Jose, CA