Oversize posters for MA State House, re Health Care Reform - 30" x 40" posters. For Blue Cross Blue Shield and ACT, re MA Health Care Reform. Work done through Hecht Design
Folding Invitation + Poster - Amish folding, self-mailing invitation and flyer for urban design conference in London.
Public Art Competition Posters - Working with a public artist in the submission of ideas for a sculpture competition at Central Middlesex Hospital, I produced two large format posters displaying models and sketches, while conveying the abstract mood, colours and theme for the sculpture.
Culture of Building Poster & Registration form - The Prince's Foundation Crafts Education programme flyer which acts as A3 poster and registration form.
Poster, Girls Inc of Lynn - Concept and design for bilingual anti-drinking campaign, with two distinct poster design treatments, and highway billboards.
Billboard, Girls Inc of Lynn - Concept and design for bilingual anti-drinking campaign, with two distinct poster design treatments, and highway billboards.
Danielle Robertson
Art Director & Designer Boston, MA