Ride On Toy to counter childhood obesity - The mid-term concept for the ride-on toy. The idea was to create an open form that facilitates a variety of actions on the toy in order to keep a child challenged and active. The upper body and frame is separated by a spring to allow shock absorbtion and bounce.
Ride On Toy to counter childhood obesity - The mid-term concept for the ride-on toy. The idea was to create an open form that facilitates a variety of actions on the toy in order to keep a child challenged and active. The upper body and frame is separated by a spring to allow shock absorbtion and bounce.
Ride-On Toy to counter childhood obesity - Final sketches showing the various ways a child may ride the Manta.
Ride-On Toy to counter childhood obesity - The final model of the Manta Raycer in full scale. Blue and yellow foam.
Ride-On Toy to counter childhood obesity - The final model of the Manta Raycer in full scale. Blue and yellow foam.
Scholastic Work Ride On Toy
Alex Bosoy
Senior Graphic Designer & Freelance Illustrator Chicago, IL